6 Tips for Using Merchandise to Create Buzz for Online Events


6 Tips for Using Merchandise to Create Buzz for Online Events

Around the globe, businesses are canceling national and international exhibitions and roadshows due to COVID-19. Instead of in-person events, resourceful companies are hosting webinars and remote training workshops for their clients — and sometimes even employees.
But these events can’t thrive in a vacuum. So how can you create hype around an event being held entirely online?
When it comes to promoting online events, branded merchandise or event giveaways are powerful marketing tools. Not only can event giveaways improve your company image, they can also boost your event ROI.
So if you’re planning a virtual conference, webinar, or workshop for your customers or employees, here are six tips for using branded merchandise and promotional gifts to help promote it.

Send out online gifts via snail mail

With a virtual event, you obviously aren’t able to hand out merchandise or gift packs to attendees in-person. But there are other options.
One you may not have considered is mailing out packs of merchandise to guests who are attending remotely. Perhaps even more than handing them a bag of giveaways at the door, taking the time to mail event gifts shows your attendees how much you value them.
This small act of consideration can go a long way in boosting your brand perception, improving the likelihood of repeat business, and increasing referrals.

Tailor gifts to your audience

When choosing items to send to your event attendees, consider the type of products your audience regularly wears, carries, or uses. For example, business travelers may appreciate gifts like a passport holder, luggage tag, or traveler mug, while parents may welcome soft toys, footballs, or a cooler bag.
With online registration, there may be even more of an opportunity to individually tailor giveaway bags for specific attendees by learning about their preferences ahead of time.

Tailor gifts to your event

In addition to tailoring gifts according to your target audiences’ interests and lifestyle, consider choosing merchandise that fits your event. For instance, you could give workshop attendees a notebook and conference folder to take notes and keep conference materials. Or event wristbands, badges, and perhaps a t-shirt or coffee mug to add a sense of occasion and keep the virtual gathering on your attendants’ minds even after it has ended.

Consider customizing gifts

Thanks to digital printing technology, it’s easier and more affordable than ever to customise gifts with brand names, logos, and colors. We suggest adding details like website URLs, app information, and company social media handles.
Depending on the event size, you can consider going an extra step to personalise items with attendee names. Personalized gifts are more likely to be shared by attendees on social media, helping build awareness and create a buzz around your brand.

Use premium gifts to reward attendees

For larger events, consider sending a smaller gift — such as a branded coaster or magnet — to all registered participants. After the event, you can reward clients and employees who actually attend with an additional premium gift — such as a personalized stainless steel water bottle or backpack.

Recap the event

In addition to creating hype around your online event, make sure you follow up with an event recap. This gives the clients who didn’t enroll in the event a chance to see what the experience was like — and the branded goodies attendees received!
Recapping the gifts, goodies, and good times had at your online event can help make sure potential audiences don’t miss your next digital seminar.